Hey all!
So I plugged my AP in today just to see how she was looking. The afr's looked fine, in the 14's, and there was no knock feedback. But I did notice that I have a consistent fine knock learning value of -.7 up to 2500 rpm's, and then it's perfectly 0 after that. I also noticed there was dynamic adv up to 3.5 when driving normally. Should I be worried about these values? A/f correction looked pretty normal also and there was no cylinder roughness. Thanks for any tips!
So I plugged my AP in today just to see how she was looking. The afr's looked fine, in the 14's, and there was no knock feedback. But I did notice that I have a consistent fine knock learning value of -.7 up to 2500 rpm's, and then it's perfectly 0 after that. I also noticed there was dynamic adv up to 3.5 when driving normally. Should I be worried about these values? A/f correction looked pretty normal also and there was no cylinder roughness. Thanks for any tips!