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  1. jefferis

    Win a Tactical Watch at Stag Arms

    Win a Tactical Watch worth $350 at Stag Arms Contest ends Dec 17th
  2. jefferis

    The Official Firearms Thread Your review is up.
  3. jefferis

    The Official Firearms Thread

    Wow, thanks. Would you like to be guest reviewer on my client's website? I'd have to clean up the language a tiny bit :-) it is a family friendly site :-) But this is great info.
  4. jefferis

    The Official Firearms Thread

    Hi, I have only held a Mini-14 at the NRA convention in Pitt. I thought it felt very easy to aim and very natural to find the target. What's your experience? I got a Stag AR-15, which I like for the capacity, but wondered at times if I should have gotten a mini instead...
  5. jefferis

    Help Promote IGOTA! Help us Win!

    Show Yourself STi Strong! IGOTA, LLC Vote To HELP US WIN! Cutting Edge Social Media Experts for our own sites, we have generated 70,000 Facebook likes within one year for one of our community-enthusiast forums. With 5 sites and growing, we have a weekly reach of over 717,000 for our posts...
  6. jefferis


    FTW? If not clean language, don't bother translating :-) Never seen that abbreviation before.
  7. jefferis


    Butler PA here. Originally from Wash D.C.
  8. jefferis

    E_15 GAS WARNING True or Not True?
  9. jefferis


    How is one supposed to educate oneself if you're not an expert in the field and the API is saying there are problems?
  10. jefferis


    Do not use E-15 gas in your car. It will damage your engine. The AAA club is putting out the warnin Check out the video. For those of you who do not have 2012 cars or newer please watch this video from Fox Business news-very informative. If you have cars/trucks, YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS...
  11. jefferis

    Filters Raised - spam and language filters increased

    Hi folks, due to a spamming attack by another site, will be increasing our banned words filtering. That will force all users to keep their language clean and respectful. We have raised our filters to over 500 words, That means some of you may be caught unintentionally in our net. Also...
  12. jefferis

    Tapatalk Issues - Tapatalk to blame

    Tapatalk has been updated. Please check for continuing errors. If you see a DB error, please post it here.
  13. jefferis

    Tapatalk Issues - Tapatalk to blame

    Hi folks, working on the tapatalk issues.... apparently, they did not either give complete directions or there might be a fault in their last release... Tapatalk forum guy said:
  14. jefferis

    Political Joke

    I had to redo my designs due to "fair use" political satire restrictions… Caf? Press got nervous :-) Here is the new design on everything from coffee mugs to hoodies, to throw pillows and book bags. Tell your friends :-) Romney: Born in America...
  15. jefferis

    No Mercy and No Prisoners _Hoodie with an Attitude

    For all my Buddies here in off topic, Some of you expressed interest in my new designs, and I got an email today that there is 35% off all items and 60% off t-shirts using code LAUNCH35 This is not sales pressure, just to let you know if you did want one of them, it makes it affordable. I...
  16. no mercy and no prisoners psalm 149 white on hoo

    no mercy and no prisoners psalm 149 white on hoo

  17. jefferis

    Poor Color Scheme

    Hi Dan, We are trying to simplify the color schemes. We had custom schemes we purchased, but every time vB makes a minor update, all our template colors have to be redone. Unfortunately, the creators of vBulletin do not use conventional CSS design controls, so there is a lot of things that...
  18. jefferis

    The Official Firearms Thread

    Could be local politics, personal prejudice and politics, or debt risk, but the owner didn't seem to have that issue and because he supposedly got the guy to admit it was the nature of the business, and what, in Chicago area? Not surprising if politics ware involved. have you read the story...
  19. jefferis

    The Official Firearms Thread

    Bank of America tells Gun Maker his business is not needed.
  20. jefferis

    The Official Firearms Thread

    Hey Guys, Just want you to know that I do a website for a gunstore owner, who is a friend of mine, called They buy used guns AND they treat ladies RIGHT. Plus their prices are usually the lowest on Davidson's Guns and beat most folks around. If you live in Wester Pa, they...