SMC Methanol Kit


New member
Recently got a SMC Kit off NASIOC, does not look too hard to install, curious if anyone has the install directions just to make sure im doing it right
I have quite a bit of meth injection experience as well. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

I'm a fan of denatured alcohol mixed with distilled water 50/50. You can get denatured alcohol at any lowes, homedepot, or walmart. You can even order 5 gal drums at local paint shops to cut the price down to $10 a gallon or so. When mixed with water you're looking at $5 a gallon. I used to go through about a gallon a month so its pretty cheap. I found the availability of denatured well worth the price increase.


New member
i have looked into that, a local friend of mine took his evo off meth and went to e85, he gave me 4 gallons of boost juice from snow performance, i looked it up and its 40$ shipped for 4 gallons, idk if i should stick with it or go over to the denatured alcohol and mix myself


New member
i just realized the AEM failsafe gauge kit was a new item, does it look like a good buy or should i look into other options?


Commander In Chief
Hey Jared, I'm always curious, you say you use 1 gallon a month or so - what are your threshold and gain settings at? I seem to use really small amounts - I only ever really see spraying in higher gear, really gunning it. Never really retuned the original meth kit variables...


New member
yeah im definitely not any where near ready to attempt to tune the meth, ill just hang on to it, leave it in its box until i get my pump tuning good, then look into that adventure


New member
would it make a difference tune wise if i was to switch between actually premixed methanol and the denatured alcohol?
i have looked into that, a local friend of mine took his evo off meth and went to e85, he gave me 4 gallons of boost juice from snow performance, i looked it up and its 40$ shipped for 4 gallons, idk if i should stick with it or go over to the denatured alcohol and mix myself

It's up to you man. I've heard that the tune for meth vs denatured would need to be tweaked slightly. Again I'm a fan of being able to get what I need to run my car anywhere if needed and liked the peace of mind with denatured (I say this now when I'm running E85 and have no 93 tune LOL).

Hey Jared, I'm always curious, you say you use 1 gallon a month or so - what are your threshold and gain settings at? I seem to use really small amounts - I only ever really see spraying in higher gear, really gunning it. Never really retuned the original meth kit variables...

I'm running e85 now. IIRC I had the meth start flowing at 4 PSI and at max flow by 10 or so. With the VF39 I'd be spraying without really driving hard.


New member
i was afraid of that being the case, i guess ill have to talk to coolingmist or another one of the meth kit producers to see for 100% what the difference is
i was afraid of that being the case, i guess ill have to talk to coolingmist or another one of the meth kit producers to see for 100% what the difference is

I know David the owner of coolingmist well. I've worked with him in depth with the CMGS-FS. He knows his shit about meth injection... that being said I would not expect him or any of the manufactures to have the tuning knowledge you'd need. You'd be better off asking a tuner.


New member
yeah, unfortunately locally the closest is Atlanta, and they both use e85 now, ill have to see if i can get ole Scott to pick up the phone, hes taking a break from tuning got burnt out on it


New member
out of curiosity, does anyone know what good settings are for this, first number is for start spray, second for max spray referenced by boost


New member
found a old thread and got pics of install instructions, ill post here in case anyone in future is looking for them



New member
yeah that did concern me, wiring it like that, im pretty sure ill find something once i decide where to mount it