OT: Which ancient society would you like to live in and why?


New member
So the new discussion of the awesome OT area is...

Which ancient society would you live in (if you had the chance) and why would you live there??

Use some creative thinking if you can, it's more interesting to read about than just a one line answer :D


New member
Ancient Rome during the reigns of Diocletian and Constantine. Rome because of the technology and ideas created that would not be seen again until te 18th and 19th centuries. Under Diocletian to watch Christianity almost completely wiped out to grow into the dominant religion of the western world under Constantine.


New member
I would like to live in the ancient times of the 1960's lol. Muscle cars, big power, ferrari vs ford, win on sunday sell on monday, pre hippies.. I feel this was the decade after the American dream was born, and the decade before it died.


New member
Mayans.....they sacrificed motherfuckers! /Thread!

If I couldn't be Mayan, I'd be a Spartan. No room for weakness or insecurity or bullshit, which would render half the US non-existant at this time n age due to fatbodies, dumbasses and thievin motherfuckers. I dare someone to steal from a Spartan! On second thought, while Mayans sacrificed people (usually captives or village idiots), Spartans were the king shit. I'd be a fucking Spartan!

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