STill Plays With Toys!
Well went into work this morning on a normal monday. Got called into the boss' office and i got fired. The reason you might ask? Bad CSI score. For those that dont know what CSI is its the surveys most employees ask you to fill out just about everywhere. Something beyond my control just cost me my job. I rarely ever had a customer leave my job upset or angry but they give me a terrible score for stupid shit. Example A. Saved a customer literally $2,000 on a repair. Got the whole thing goodwilled by Toyota. Gave me a bad score because her weathertech floor mats were dirty. (They just wipe right off if you didnt know) so now i am out of a job cuz of something that is out of my control. End rant
And thats all i have to say about that...
And thats all i have to say about that...