You don't want to see any negative numbers in the knock parameters ideally but you will likely see some at times and that is usually okay. You need to look at knock and dynamic advance together to determine if a detrimental knock event is happening. I call these "interesting knock events".
The ECU is always striving to apply the most timing it can with out knocking and sometimes right to the threshold of knock. By looking at dynamic advance and knock together you can see this strategy in action. For example you want to see your total timing to be greater than base timing regardless of knock. This, in my opinion, indicates a non-interesting knock event because the ecu is applying base timing plus dynamic advance... It then sees a little knock and removes a little timing, but dynamic advance is still positive and applying a few degrees of timing beyond base timing.
An interesting knock event would be when dynamic advance is negative and total timing is less than base timing. Also knock events where the value being taken away continues to increase are interesting.