Well... I am down...
Long story short: 2nd 911 totaled and again not by me and before even I got to see it.
Full story:
On friday 27th I was supposed to pick up my fresh second car (remember the first was totalled during pre-sale preparation?). The plan was following:
At 1240 I am arriving to Prague from amazing vacation in Dubai. Then take taxi to see for the first time and pick up my 991 4GTS from my car dealer. Drive home 300km from Prague and get to know more my new toy. Be happy.
What happened:
At 0955 my car dealer wants to make me happy and get me complimentary full tank of 100 octane fuel for my trip home. When coming back from petrol station at around 1024 the car is totalled by some dumb f**ck who doesnt know how to "connect" to highway. From the connecting lane at right directly to the fast lane on the left trough middle lane not looking back or to the side... This resulted in 911 flying towards crash rail being hit from one side by the other car and other from crash rail. By this time I was in plane, counting minutes to pick up my car.
At 1245 I turn off airplane mode on my phone to call the guy I am back and I am looking forward to pickup my car. There were some weird text messages coming to my phone. ("Call us asap, there is problem with your car.") I was not prepared for what was to come...
So here I am two days later, being crazy depressed, impatiently waiting for third car to arrive, which is more spec'd than the first one built to order, is 4 months has under 1000km/600miles on the ODO and has everything I wanted plus things I skipped but somehow was unsure to skip. Only thing is I originaly wanted black one but white is fine as well. Good thing is price, which is the same as the second HUGELY discounted car but for a car which is almost new, spec'd better than my original first car and includes some more goodies (free winter tyres, upgrade to full LED headlights)... Hope my third one will not be cursed like those two before.