IGOTASTi.COM checking in.


System Operator
Staff member
Done! Nice one Jon. :tup: You owe me now, lol. I better see a cool avatar soon and your STi in the garage.


System Operator
Staff member
I hope we last that long. :rofl:


System Operator
Staff member
You know me, lol. Just checking in to see how everyone likes what we have been doing with the community. I always give you 110%. All feedback is welcomed.


New member
You're doing great JJ. Kinda getting worried about your subconscious love for the EVO over the STi, I think electro shock therapy is in order. Lol.


System Operator
Staff member
I'm just checking in with everyone to see how everyone feels about the community here. I try my best to make this the best forum around.


System Operator
Staff member
It has been awhile since I have checked in with everyone, and I wanted to see what you like and don't like about IGOTASTi.COM. We have made some big strives and some major companies are talking about us. I just wanted to get everyone's take on it. Thank you.

PS: If you don't like Fuji either do I. :lmao: