Well, back when I did this, I didn't have LC or FFS. I just tried to keep the rpm ~3k then as the tree started to go I would hold the gas down and let out the clutch and try to let out ~5500rpm. It was o k but I would eat my clutch up a little. Now I make 436/426 and have LC and FFS. A side doesn't matter, I guess I like the right side so I can stare back at my victims lol I set my LC to 5k and FFS to 6500 since I shift at:
1-2= redline
2-3= 7k
3-4= 6900ish
My best 60's are 1.7 on SHITTY tires. As the tree gets to the 2nd yellow, I start to let off the clutch. By the time it hits green, I'm already moving and can let off the clutch and get off the line. If you stop AS SOON AS your dual stage light lights up, you have a little play room to move without redlighting, hence how I can move and let off the clutch without redlighting. I think my best R/T was .06. I could of swore I redlit but checked the slip when done. That was an abnormal launch for me though lol I usually get ~.6 not .06.
If you don't know how to launch at all, go on some back road and practice. You have to feather the clutch. Let off just a little to initiate movement. Once you feel the car barely pulling, then you can let off the clutch. If you just try to dump the clutch without feathering or too fast, you'll bog, bad. If you watch some of my other video's on youtube, you can hear how the car pulls a little while the rpms are still high then the car moves to the rpms...makes sense? Hope some of this helps. Oh ya, try to avoid water!! I've spun through the tree with wet tires.