New to forum, not to STi.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Hey guys! :cheers:

I have been convinced to join this forum due to it's higher maturity level. I've been on IWSTI for just about 3 years now. I own a 2004 STi. I love this car to death, as you all might do the same with yours! :thumbsup:

Here is a picture of my baby:


I will most likely making a journal as well. Still have to transition from IWSTI as it is not so easy. :(

I've heard great things about this community and my expectations are high! I hope to learn as much as I can from here and widen my knowledge on the WRX/STi world.

BTW: That BRZ has my full attention. I'm sure I am not the only one! :lol:


System Operator
Staff member
Welcome to the team. If you have been asked to join then your ok in someone's book. :).

PS: 04 FTW!

Robert Viehweger

Daily Driver
Beautiful! She looks very well kept. Glad you were able to ditch the drama and find your way over to us. Very glad to have you here. Please give a holler if you need help with anything, and throw your pennies in on anything you see that strikes your fancy! :)


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Today is my 2 year anniversarry on IGOTASTI! :ty: Thanks for having me! :D :bigtup:


System Operator
Staff member
You never told us who told you about us back in the day.


Diehard Car Enthusiast!
Marc! Dspin1080


System Operator
Staff member

Don't think he's around anymore. :(


System Operator
Staff member
Now that is funny.