The My Car Is Faster Than Yours Douchebag Thread


Another idot from a car wash hangout spot I used to go to around Ft. Hood followed me out of the car wash when I was leaving to go somewhere else. He went screaming up to me like an asshat. It was a 91ish civic hatch "stock with nitrous". I tried to blow his doors off but the light was kind of sloping downhill so I couldn't stay still to rev the car before the green light. Needless to say I just took off when he was spinning his tires through the intersection but had maybe 2-3 cars on me until I spooled. I was only making 270/276 at the time and FLEW by the guy lol I didn't even bother to talk to the prick.


New member
I played with some Harley riders and their V-rods back when I had a horrendous exhaust leak and stayed with them....does that count?