The Post Whore Thread!


System Operator
Staff member
We must be doing a good job of spreading the word about this site, has anyone noticed how many more people are visiting this site daily?

A ton. Last month was over 7000 visitors. We are growing steady and rock solid. Keep up the good work.


New member
I just saw that we beat the record for most visitors in a day not once but twice today. JJ you can take most of the credit for this.


System Operator
Staff member
I just saw that we beat the record for most visitors in a day not once but twice today. JJ you can take most of the credit for this.

I take no credit for it. It's all you guys! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope I can keep everything going forward in the right direction.


System Operator
Staff member
Just a little PSA that some of you newer guys may have not seen yet:

Quality, not quantity. We will continue to grow and we will continue to increase the correct information on this site. Keep the tards, nutswingers and too immature to contribute out and we will become number one. Not just mass numbers, but being considered a friendly, helpful community that provides accurate information.

Back to your regularly scheduled whoring!

I could have not said it any better. Thanks Fuji. :)


New member
Just a little PSA that some of you newer guys may have not seen yet:

Quality, not quantity. We will continue to grow and we will continue to increase the correct information on this site. Keep the tards, nutswingers and too immature to contribute out and we will become number one. Not just mass numbers, but being considered a friendly, helpful community that provides accurate information.

Back to your regularly scheduled whoring!

Oooooo, Now JJ is going to Ban me..... Good job fuji, I hope you sleep well tonight.....


New member
There is a local Import forum thats like that. They have a ton of members, but most are trolls , immature, or stupid nutsacks. I hate places like that.


New member
Our house has a flat roof with old membrane roofing that has to be replaced because its leaking. I cant wait to see how much this is going to cost.


New member
The house was built in the 60's, and we are the second owners. The previous owner was the person who designed it. I love everything about the house, except for the roof. It looks like a tiny ranch-style house, but has 5 bedrooms. We havent had any issues with snow, and if it ever snows a ton I just get on the roof and shovel it.


New member
I was reading that colorado is something like 8th in the country for number of hail storms, but 1st in the size of the hail. There was a really bad storm in 2003 that broke out my windshield, back window, and did 12K in body damage. I hate hail


New member
I was reading that colorado is something like 8th in the country for number of hail storms, but 1st in the size of the hail. There was a really bad storm in 2003 that broke out my windshield, back window, and did 12K in body damage. I hate hail

This is why I love garages!


New member
DK, I also own a 60s style ranchish home. Absolutely love everything about it other than the fact that it is alot of maintenance.